On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 08:18:12 EST Wayne Fool wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been using EigerStein 2-Beta for about three years and have been very
> satisfied with it.  I recently changed ISP's and need to use PPPoE and
> decided to upgrade to Bering 1.0 Stable.  I am using a 100 MHZ Pentium with
> 40 meg of Ram.  I use two Netgear FA311 network cards.  I used the tulip
> driver with Eiger and had no problems, but when I install the driver with
> Bering (the driver came from the Bering 1.0 stable modules download) I get
> unresolved symbol messages.  I was wondering if the drivers need to be
> recompiled or if there is something new that I have to do to get the drivers
> to load.

There are two versions of tulip.o in the modules directory for
Bering 1.0-stable:


I think one of them *may* depend on pci-scan.o, although that
is from memory and I could easily be wrong.  I remember having
trouble with one of them when I tried them out.  I believe the
other worked flawlessly and did not have dependencies on other
modules.  You might give both a try if you haven't already.


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