On Sunday 12 January 2003 05:34 pm, Hans Ulrich Niedermann wrote:
> Hi!
> Is anybody on this list successfully using the Bering standard editor
> on a serial terminal?
> I have a Wyse WY-99GT and in neither vt52, vt100, vt220 7bit, vt220
> 8bit the e3 editor does nothing else but writing some strange escape
> sequences all over the screen and asking the "Save Ynl?" question
> as if I had pressed a key to quit without saving.
> I'm not sure yet whether this is an error of mine (misconfigured/buggy
> terminal) or whether the e3 editor just requires a Linux VT despite
> claiming vt100 support on the homepage.

I use e3 with vt100 on all my console terminals w/o any problems. 
Apparently the Wyse or your keyboard is giving a constant signal 
that the ctrl or alt key is being pressed. 
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall developer

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