On Monday 03 February 2003 09:00 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Lynn,
> My boot order is CDROM, then floppy.  I see Bering copy from the CDROM and
> then the floppy.
> I tried this weekend to just use a floppy version, boot it, copy in the
> .local files, do a full backup of everything, reboot, and try a partial
> backup.  No go.  Fails the same way.  I then did a makekey and a FULL
> backup, rebooted and that worked fine.  It kind of defeats the purpose of
> having a cd if you have to do a full backup to the floppy.
> Has anybody used the partial backup in Bering with .local files?

It doesn't sound as if all the changed files are included in the partial
backup. You might have to edit the .local file(s) by hand. I haven't
even tried it with Bering (I have with DCD) since I only modify a
couple of packages, of which I must back up full (root, etc I think)..
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Firewall Project developer

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