Adrian Wooster wrote:
This is the dumbest of questions but its beginning to frustrate me.

Does the ash shell support escape sequences for coloured text?

The documentation I've found is limited although reliable but skips that
bit, and the normal bash techniques don't work! The man pages while reliable
are a little Spartan.

Or alternatively, suggestions for a floppy disk sized console menu system
would be welcome which does support colour.

Any ideas?
I don't believe there is any support for color in ash, but you can get color displayed. I once compiled busybox with colored directory listings enabled, which worked properly, but annoyed me to no end (and took up extra space), so I disabled the feature on all released versions.

AFAIK, getting colored text displayed is more a function of the terminal settings than the shell (which simply provides hooks to the underlying terminal functionality). You might start reading through the terminfo man page and see where that gets you. You can also use libraries like ncurses to make colored text displays.

Charles Steinkuehler

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