I have completed my high-availability package for .lrp systems,
"kpalived.lrp", based on Alexandre Cassen's excellent open-source software.
Due to limitations in keepalived's code AFAIK it wouldn't compile on glibc
2.0.x.  This version was compiled on gcc 2.2.x system.  My LRP system is
Bering uClibc + libc225 and it works fine for me, YMMV.

FYI, It is very possible that keepalive might compile on a gcc 2.1.x or
uClibc system.  I'm unfortunately not a programmer nor did I have a 2.1.x or
2.0.x system lying around.  I didn't think tinkering with makefiles &
destroying existing machines was such was a good idea.  If you get it to
compile on one of those platforms (especially 2.0.x) please let me know!

I created a few packages to provide libraries that Keepalived needs.  You
need to download these and add them to your syslinux.cfg file in order for
kpalived.lrp to work.  Here's the list of files: (Sorry for the size.  I did
strip what I could, it's unfortunate that all these lib files are so damned
big and required)
http://download.sidestep.com/lrp/kpalived.lrp 33244
http://download.sidestep.com/lrp/libcrpto.lrp 342800
http://download.sidestep.com/lrp/libpopt.lrp 26598
http://download.sidestep.com/lrp/libssl2.lrp 81400
http://download.sidestep.com/lrp/libz.lrp 26766

I have also modified zebra & bgpd (by Eric Kiser -
www.eric.kiser.com/glacier.htm) to include /etc/init.d files.  The binaries
are still gcc 2.0.x.  Note : I needed to install an additional library in
order to make these function with Bering-uClibc.  I've listed it below.
http://download.sidestep.com/lrp/zebra.lrp 164145
http://download.sidestep.com/lrp/bgpd.lrp 57368
http://download.sidestep.com/lrp/libm.lrp 142068

Could someone please put these on the sourceforge or mirror page somewhere?
This is not my website and I'm able to provide these files only for a little
while, especially if there's too much usage.  FYI this is my first LRP so
please be gentle in your flames ;)

Thanks much,

Peter Mueller

# cat /var/lib/lrpkg/kpalived.help 


Keepalived 1.0.0 *.lrp

This file was compiled and packaged for the LEAF Project. This package is
designed to simulate HSRP on Linux routers through the use of the program
Keepalived.  Please visit Keepalived.org for more information on this


For compile, package, and dependency information:

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

#       Keepalived 1.0.0 *.lrp information
#       Last Update:  2003-01-??  Peter Mueller

Keepalived 1.0.0

Mailing List Information:       http://www.keepalived.org/mailinglist.html
Documentation:          http://www.keepalived.org/documentation.html

Summary:        Keepalived VRRPv2
Name:           Keepalived
Version:        1.0.0
Source:         keepalived.1.0.0.tar.gz
URL:            http://www.keepalived.org
Copyright:      GPL

Keepalived is an excellent implementation of VRRP, the same protocol that
Cisco bases HSRP on.  This configuration of Keepalived is setup for use 
with the Zebra routing package for HA-linux routers running bgp v4.  It's
easy to modify for vanilla-HA or other routing packages.

I compiled Keepalived on a RH 7.2 x86-SMP-based system for use with
Bering-uClibc + libc225.  AFAIK Keepalived does not compile on gcc 2.0.x,
but it might compile on uClibc.  Please write me an email if you can get
it to work.

Please modify the keepalived.conf file with your own settings.  I'd rather
not get email from your routers :).

Best of luck,

Peter Mueller

#       keepalived 1.0.0 Information
#       Last Update:  2003-02-04  Peter Mueller

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Mueller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 5:29 PM
To: 'Charles Holbrook'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [leaf-user] shorewall and keepalived

Hi Charles,

> I am just curious if anyone has used the shorewall package as well as 
> keepalived on the same system.  And how did you overcome the 
> issue of both 
> shorewall and keepalived wanting to do VRRP for the ip 
> addresses?  Just got 
> this dropped in my lap and not really sure how to proceed with this.

I am getting close to getting something working with LRP & keepalived.  I
was planning on posting both a keepalived LRP (using, as it turns out,
bering-uclibc + libc225 compat) and an image of my LRP when it's done, but
you're welcome to what I have in the meantime.  Just drop me a mail


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