(Re-rounting back to the list)

--- Ray Olszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are several ways to "go about this", depending on undetailed 
> characteristics of "this" and what "the [wireless] router" actually is.

pn] Thanks for the reply, Ray.  Yes, by "this" I mean a linksys wireless router.  I 
installed this
one (http://linksys.com/Products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=35&prid=415) for a friend 
directly to
their DSL bridge, replacing a netgear "wired" router they had.  It feeds a hub just 
like the old
router did for their internal wired clients.

pn] I thought I might be able to make use of one too.  It can be configured for an 
dynamic IP assignment, and since I'm using a DHCP server behind my Dachstein 
(upgrading soon to Bearing), all my internal clients are also setup for dynamic IP 
Continuing along that line, I figured if I take my existing notebook connection from 
the hub of
the internal network to feed this wireless router, it would get one my 10.x.x.x 
dynamically (like the notebook did) and assign the notebook with a wireless card one 
of it's own
NAT'ed (preconfigured for 192.168.x.x) addresses.

pn] I'm thinking my notebook "wouldn't know the difference" and I'd still have the 
same protection
from my firewall as before, no?  However, would I still have "transparent" access to 
the other,
er, Windoze clients on the internal network?  Again, I'm thinking it would, looking 
like it has
the IP of the linksys router to the rest of the internal network.  Am I right?
pn] If adding a separate NIC to the LEAF router/firewall adds something I missed in 
your previous
explanations, please smack me and say it again. But I think this would complicate my 
access to the
other internal clients.

pn] BTW, I have a DMZ so I'm already at a 3-NIC system, but adding one more just adds 
to the fun, eh?


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