On Thursday 13 February 2003 09:46 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Lynn,
> I found your ipsec.txt, thanks.
> One question....could you give me an example of how to use ipfwd to
> forward the port to my internal network.  My LRP box is at
> with gateway at and I am using dhcpd.
Open the port (500):
EXTERN_UDP_PORTS="0/0_domain 0/0_bootpc 0/0_500"

Open the protocols (50 & 51):
EXTERN_PORTS="50_0.0.0.0 51_0.0.0.0"

Forward the service to the LAN machine (WAN is DHCP):

firewall-# svi network reload

I hope this helps!
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall developer

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