Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio wrote:
Hy guys, let see if any of you can help me with this

I'm trying to add a workstation to a VLAN, so I have
readed the guides and I
1) Did a patch to the kernel to be able to use
2) recompiled and installed the new kernel

So now I should be able to add this workstation with
linux to my vlan. But the problem is that I can not
make a ping to my bridge/router.

As it is sayd in the guide of cisco "LINUX VLAN +
Cisco Howto" that you can find in

first you have to move everything to vlans, so you
don't set ip address to the real interfaces, but set
vlan interfaces. So to set eth0 with no ip I did :

ifconfig eth0 up
I haven't done any vlan stuff, but to bring up the interface without an IP, I use the following in the modern iproute2 world (appropriate for all recent LEAF disto's):

ip link set up dev eth0

Then I wanted to add a vlan to this workstation so I
went to my vlan directory and with the comand vconfig
vconfig add eth0 10

This should create a device called vlan0010 but it
creates a device called eth0.10. So now Linux should
think that eth0.10 is just another network device, so
I can configure it like any other. What I did was

ifconfig eth0.10 broadcast
So if you trust the guide the configuration is over
and it should work.

The problem is that, when I try to make a ping to
the interface conected to this workstation in the
bridge I don't receive anything.

Do any of you know why?
Not without seeing some debugging output. Start with the output of "ip addr" and "ip route", and add any vlan specific commands.

Charles Steinkuehler

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