Charles Steinkuehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/17/2003 02:10:51 PM:
You'll also need some sort of non-volitle memory (hdd, flash, etc) for a mail queue. Note that flash tends to be quite slow on writes, which could be a problem for a mail queue (depnding on how much traffic you get), but you should have no problem with using a small HDD.
My plan was to use a 128MB Flash drive. Volume will be low (maybe 25-50 messages an hour) and because these are backup mail servers, I should not depend on them except when the primary server is down. 128MB should be plenty of storage space, even if the primary server is down for some time. I didn't think that flash would be a problem in this situation. In your opinion, will it?
I would definately test this before relying on it in production, and I think it will depend a lot on exactly which flash product you use. Some flash drives can "stall" for several seconds at a time (or more) while doing garbage collection.

Charles Steinkuehler

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