Bihari, Steve wrote:
The reason I want to use basic authentication is to compliment an https://
connection to Weblet. I would like to challenge for a usrname/passwd for
access to any of the pages/scripts. Although the user will only have to
authenticate once per session of course.

This authentication can  happen at a default login page (i.e. login.cgi) or
just have a web browser authentication Window pop-up.  Whatever is easier to
do with sh-www.

If I just want a Authentication window to pop-up from my browser, should
this not just be a function of the httpd daemon? You know, something I'd
enable in the .conf file (i.e. AUTH_CONNECTIONS=yes)????

OK, if you want to do something like that it should probably be part of the web server. It shouldn't be too hard to add a global username/password check to sh-httpd (per-directory control could get ugly), although you might need something like the checkpassword utility (typically provided as a helper program for qmail, apx 8K compiled on my RH systems) if you want to check against system user data, or you could use a plain text password file, create MD5 password hashes if you compile a busybox with md5sum support, or hard-code the auth details in the shell-script.

If you've got the space to be running an ssl front-end to the web-server, I suggest running a compiled web-server that supports basic authentication "out of the box". Check into boa, thttpd, mini-httpd, micro-httpd, etc. LRP packages are available for most of these already, as well.

Charles Steinkuehler

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