Good afternoon (for me anyway).

I have a very nice 2 floppy  Bering router setup but in the interests of
never being satisfied, I want to burn it all to CD.  I have followed the
steps in the Bering User Manual and all goes well but the CDs I burn
won't boot.  I should say that I have only tried to boot from one
machine but that machine will boot Windows based CDs.  I will try on

However, can anyone point me to a troubleshooting page or give me some
ideas on what might be going wrong?  Or point me to an archived thread
that covers this?

Thanks yet again for your help.

David Pitts
IT Services Manager
Reid Library 
University of Western Australia
Telephone:   (08) 9380 3492     Fax:  (08) 9380 1012

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