Le Mercredi 26 Février 2003 22:08, Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio a écrit :
> Hi guys:
>   I'm trying to enable the vlan software in a linux
> machine. There is a module called 8021q.o which I
> already installed with the comand
> insmod 8021q
> but the problem is when I reboot the system all the
> configuration I did about vlan in the machine is gone
> because it does not load the module, so I have to do
> everything again.
>   I used to work with the distribution Mandrake 8.1
> and I know that you have to add the module you want to
> be loaded when the system is rebooted in a file
> /etc/modules/default... but now I am working with Red
> Hat 7.3 (kernel 2.4.18) and I don't find that file in
> anywhere.
>  Do any of you know what I have to do to make that
> module permanent? I thought that  uisng the command
> insmod or modprob was all what I had to do. If I do a
> dmesg after that I can see that the utility is working
> "8021q VLAN blablabla........"
> but I can get the module to be loaded every time I
> reboot the system
Please read the documentation:

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