Greetings All-

I took a look at my logs and realized the time
recorded was very different than the real time.  I
tried setting up a check once per day by inserting a
server in the lrp.conf but that did not work.  

A system that worked was to place the following lines
in /etc/cron.d/multicron

11 05,11,17,23  * * * root /usr/sbin/rdate -s  x.x.x.x
12 05,11,17,23  * * * root /sbin/hwclock --systohc

And have the time examined every 6 hours beginning 5
am and updating the clock at 11 mins past and writing
to the cmos clock at minute 12.

That was accurately keeping the firewall time but
since I now had a machine that knew the time, could I
use the firewall as an internal time server for the
rest of the machines in my house?

Bearing has a hint of how this may be done and I
downloaded and added to my DS floppy libm.lrp and
ntpsimpl.lrp.  Updated my /mnt/syslinux.cfg placing
libm,ntpsimpl at the end of the line and making sure
it was not over 254 characters long.

Started up the new configuration and added servers to
the ntpd.conf under package settings for ntpsimpl. 
Syslogs indicate the ntpd daemon is alive and kicking
but the clock (date) and cmos clock (hwclock --show)
are progressively getting worse and worse.

My guess is that I need to open ntp port 123 (either
tcp, or udp) to allow the ntpd daemon out to the
selected servers.  Of course, that is where I got

I also tried to connect to the firewall with as the time server from a M$ box.  The
connection was "Unable to contact server".  Once
again, the guess is that I need to open the "INTERNAL"
ports 123 to my internal network, which is once again
where I get stuck.  

I really don't want to open the "EXTERNAL" upd ports
and let my box be the time server to the world.

Any suggestions on how to let the ntpd daemon contact
the net, as well as how to let my internal machines
through to get a time sync would be greatly

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