Hi Martin,

On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Martin Hejl wrote:

> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 21:17:47 +0100
> From: Martin Hejl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Larry Platzek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [leaf-user] tcpdump for Bear-Uclibc-1.1
> Hi Larry,
> > Does a .lrp for tcpdump exist for Bearing-Uclibc-1.1?
> > I have looked but not found, but I might be blind.
> > I could use one to look at some incoming packets.
> > If not tcpdump something similar, need to look at data from an internal
> > analog serial modem.
> > I could use a Bering version if a Bering-Uclibc is not available, just not
> > as easy. I would expect both version would be good to have available.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> no, we haven't been ignoring you - even if it might seem that way. Sorry
> it took so long to respond.
> No, there's currently no .lrp for tcpdump, and I've run into a few
> problems while trying to compile it for uClibc (I'm using the buildtool
> environment, and something isn't quite working yet). Be assured we're
> looking into it, and we should be able to provide you with a tcpdump
> package sooner or later (hopefully sooner).
> So, I guess I'm asking you for more patience - sorry about that. But I
> wanted to make sure that you didn't think nobody noticed or cared about
> your question.
> Martin
I have patience, and hope other have too!
Hope others do/will have patience with me!
I want to document "active-filter in pppd" but have had trouble
making it work right and hoped tcpdump would help! I had a private email
telling me where to obtain a non tested static tcpdump, but have run into

tcpdump running
     with multicasts only coming in the active-filter idle time out works!
     with multicast and pings and ping replies coming in active-filter
           never idle timeout occurs.
ping       = icmp: echo request
ping reply = icmp: echo reply

I have tried expressions on tcpdump to show only the ping and ping
reply, and have had multicast only work.

tcpdump -i ppp0 'icmp[0] = 8 or icmp[0] = 0 '
does show icmp: echo request and icmp: echo reply packets.

tcpdump -i ppp0 'ether[0] & 1 != 0'
 This shows the multicast packets.
tcpdump -i ppp0 'ether[0] & 1 != 0 or icmp[0] =8 or icmp[0] = 0 '
only shows the ping request and ping reply packets
so what happened to the multicast packets?

I need what ever expression used in tcpdump to see the multicast packets
and ping request and reply to place on an active-filter statement!

For mine own use I can ignore the "ping packets" but think it would be
good to have in place and properly documented!

Does anyone have good suggestions or need some information to help solve
the problem.

Thank You in Advance!

Larry Platzek  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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