I am upgrading one of our work routers, and have a
few questions about shorewall setup in a multi-nic 
setup.  This router has one external interface (eth0),
and 3 internal nics (eth1-3).  The external nic is 
connected to an isdn router, and the internal nics
service the 3 internal lan segments we have.  This
router is the primary ip router for all the lan segments,
and is also used by the majority of the company for
outgoing internet access.

Questions - 1) For the 3 local nics, do I need just one 
"loc" in the zones file, or do I need "loc1", "loc2", ... ?  
The 3 internal segments need traffic to flow between 
them without restriction.
2) If I only have one "loc", do I then add 3 entries in
the shorewall hosts file to map the interface to the
segment ?
3) Anyone have any examples of Multi-Local shorewall
setups ?

I am having some issues in this switchout - in particular
one of our Netware servers on our internal network will not 
communicate with other lan segments under my Bering
setup, but when I put the EigerStien/Seawall router
back - it works.  I suspect my Shorewall setup is not
quite right yet, so I want to check on the above 
before I start to gather better diagnotics.

Thanks -  Doug

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