
It seems like I'm trying to do the impossible.

I have Bering [1.1] running the Bridge module.

I've also managed to get htb-qos module working - minimal testing, but I can
QOS and share BW

courtesy a slightly touched up Wonder Shaper.

eth0 is the interface I'm QOSing - outbound interface.

It seems that when I really start pushing traffic thru it [the bridge],
toward eth1, that eth1 will die. ( 1Mbit/s TCP)

If I bring the eth1 interface down and back up and Stop and restart
Shorewall (runs the Wonder Shaper script)

that it will go again for a short time.

I've also tried just using the bridge alone and get a stalled interface
after some time this way too - I don't think it has anything to do with htb.

IP addr shows the interfaces promisq, and up - even when it dies.

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?


Mike Schurman

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