Roger E McClurg wrote:
While you are answering BASH questions Charles, do you think you can answer a couple more? Sorry Charles. No good deed goes unpunished ;-)

A while back we came upon the idea of modifying the IPSEC updown script to add the internal IP address of the LEAF machine as the source in the IP route generated by the updown script. This allowed us to use only one tunnel to communicate instead of two (LAN-LAN and Gateway-Gateway). Back then we coded the info in manually into the updown script. Now that Bering uses the current version of FreeSwan we have updown scripts that can be passed custom parameters. Charles can you (or anyone in the LEAF community) tell me how to go about modifying the script to pass the internal address? If so how do I code the parm in ipsec.conf? I've tried to do this, but my tests have been dismal failures (possibly owing to my minimal understanding of BASH).

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, which is likely at least partly due to the fact that I've not actually worked much with the recent FreeS/WAN scripts. If you're asking what I think you're asking, I believe you should be able to simply read the local IP address from the appropriate ipsecN interface in the updown script (without having to pass any special parameters other than those already used by updown). If that answer doesn't make sense, please re-phrase your question. If you don't know how to read the IP address from an interface, take a look at the code in Dachstein's /etc/network.conf file that reads the IP of an interface brought up via dhcp.

I am also working on updates to weblet to allow remote monitoring of both the status and the current configuration of a LEAF machine. So far most everything I have been able to do. I can display all the important config files except one. I can't get weblet to display snmpd.conf. I checked the file and directory permissions and they are the same for snmpd.conf as for other files such as sshd_config, yet one displays and the other does not. I'm running on Bering 1.2 and weblet runs as user sh-httpd. The BASH command I use is: $(cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf) The command runs just fine when I run it from the console, but them I'm running as root not as sh-httpd. What am I doing wrong?

I'm not sure, but it's probably a permissions problem. Try logging in (or su'ing) to the sh-httpd user and see if you can cat the file.

Charles Steinkuehler

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