On 14 Jul 2003, Charles Holbrook wrote:

> I am currently running Bering Uclibc on a system that uses a CF Disk as
> the boot media.  This disk is inside of the case and thus updating any
> software means pulling the system offline unracking it and opening the
> box up.  About 20 minutes worth of work.  Besides ssh does anyone have a
> secure means of transfer to bering.  Bossman doesn't even want to have
> an ssh client on the firewall that can scp out to a single IP address. 
> Because of this I am pretty much limited to a serial connection to the
> box.  Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.

If "Bossman" is not comfortable with ssh, then I can't imagine why he
would be amenable to any other file transfer mechanism.  He will just have
to pay for your 20*n minutes worth of work.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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