On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 11:49:27AM -0700, Matt Schalit wrote:
> I suppose this could go on leaf-hardware,
> but I was wondering who's added a DAC to
> their box?

Not really. (You *do* mean Digital-Analog Converter, right?)
> It'd seem like a decent place to launch a few
> cron jobs from. 


> Just patch in a unity gain
> op-amp for some bigtime imput impedence, and
> you get a cheap buffer you can blow if you make
> a mistake (how much is a 411 anyway?), plus you
> get a good current source for your D/A control
> (of your sprinklers or whatever).

I've not gone into controlling anything analog, but I *have* built a system
to open and close my blinds. I don't know if that's anywhere near what
you're thinking, but in any case the (pretty severely outdated) site is at;


> I suppose X10 is more popular than doing this
> stuff from scratch....  Still, if you're not
> building, you're crumbling :)

I never found out what x10 actually *is*, but it kept coming up while I was
researching the electronics parts of my contraption...

I just picked up development a couple of days ago. Basically the bit that
drives the stepper motor is a script that pushes out bit-sequences of the
parallelport. But being a script (and not particularly well written, at
that) it makes for some jerky motion of the motor, which I think is in part
responsible for the two mechanical failures it has suffered in the year it's
been running. (Plastic fatique).

I'm hoping to get some smoother action by converting that script to C, and
taking the opportunity to add a couple of features, such as making sure that
there can be only one instance of the program running at a time a.s.o.

Jon Clausen
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