On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, George Metz wrote:

> Hey gang,
> Well, after recently moving, my old firewall system decided that the 
> floppy controller on the motherboard didn't want to actually read disks 
> anymore. Or certainly not WRITE them.
> So, I went ahead and used an older (but still newer than the old router) 
> system, a P3-500 with a 64-meg DIMM, to throw together a new system. 
> Right now, I'm trying to get things set up with an upgrade - since I had 
> to move from DSL with Static IP to Cablemodem with DHCP - to Bering, and 
> I'd like to do it on CD-ROM. And the easiest way for me to make the 
> infamously-missing initrd.cdrom file myself would be to extract initrd 
> on my workstation, make the changes, and close it back up. 
> Unfortunately, things seem to choke when I try that. Winzip, itself, 
> certainly doesn't think it's a tarball that's been gzipped, and neither 
> does Winrar.

Thank goodness. ;)

That's because it isn't a tarball.  It is a gzipped minix filesystem

> Since the hard drive that had my Linux install on it just 
> died (literally; happened about two hours ago) that's not really an 
> option for me either.
> So could anyone give me a pointer on whether or not what I'm trying to 
> do is even possible?

Not on a windows machine.  If you can't
 mount -t minix -o loop=/dev/loop1 /ungzippedinitrdlrp /mnt
then you have to do the floppy bit.

> Or am I going to have to go at this the hard way - 
> setting up a boot image on floppy and borrowing a computer?

Not sure I understand why you need to borrow a computer... you obviously
have one capable of burning a CDR.  As long as it also has a floppy drive,
you should be able to use that.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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                                      Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...2k

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