I finally have a working ppp(dial-up) connection using straight outa the box 
Bering.  Everything works, except:
**  I cannot complete the load from the 2nd floppy.  The install seems to cut 
off mid flight.  Here is the syslinux.cfg I am using (all in one line 
starting with 'default'):
display syslinux.dpy
timeout 0
default linux initrd=initrd.lrp log_size=4M syst_size=10M init=/linuxrc rw 
root=/dev/ram0 boot=/dev/fd0u1680:msdos PKGPATH=/dev/fd0
Everthing from tcpdump on is located on the 2nd floppy.  Some of it loads 
depending on the what is included in the line preceding the *.lrp files.  The 
install just cuts off, sometimes calling a file by it's sliced off name, ie, 
'tcp (nf!)' then skips the rest.

Things noticed/tried:
**  If I move the log_size and syst_size above, thus: 
display syslinux.dpy
timeout 0
append log_size=4096
append syst_size=10240
default linux initrd=initrd.lrp init=/linuxrc rw root=/dev/ram0 
boot=/dev/fd0u1680:msdos PKGPATH=/dev/fd0 
then only the syst_size gets set up, it ignores log_size.
** I have also tried 'append ramdisk_size= ******' to no avail.
** I have tried shuffling the deck (changing the order of the appends) (only 
last one gets set up.
** I have tried combination of 'append' and contained inside the 'default' 
line.  Still doesn't work.
** If I do not set up syst_size I run out of RAM and cannot complete the 
** Do I need to explictly set up extra 'ramdisk_size' or does 'syst_size' do 
the same?

Here's the big question:
** I appears that 'syslinux.cfg' has a max line length.  When I cross that 
limit, nothing after gets installed.  Is there a line length limit? and how 
do I deal with?

Things checked:
I have scoured the "syslinux" site for 'syslinux.cfg' helps.  Just the basics, 
no details or examples.  

Here's hoping someone can help me out.  Thanks.  -- Bob Peterson

Robert S. Peterson
31 N Alfred, Elgin IL  60123  USA
Compass Adjusting for Lake Michigan navigators since 1985
Physics @ Bartlett HS
e-mail: rpeterson(at)enc.k12.il.us

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