On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, freeman wrote:

> My setup:
>     - Bering 1.2 release
>     - with ttyS0 as the primary console.
> When I invoke the beep utility (with no parms even though it has 
> defaults that support no specified parms) I get the following error:
>     ioctl: Invalid argument
> However if I have the regular tty1 as the console (via changes to 
> syslinux.cfg) then it works fine.
> I scoured the net and only came up with
>     http://johnath.com/beep/README
> which suggested:
>     chmod 4755 beep
> but that doesn't help any. Is there a way to have the main console be 
> ttyS0 _and_ use the beep utility, or am I totally SOL?

I am not familiar with any specific versions of "beep", because I never
scratched that itch.

However, I do know that sending Ctrl-G to most ANSI-compatible terminals
is supposed to generate an audible signal.  The virtual TTYs used for
consoles in Linux support this, and apparently also support ioctl calls to
activate this feature.  Thus, it appears that your "beep" program is
expecting you to use one of the normal virtual terminals.

I can think of two possible directions to proceed from here... one is to
use existing or newly incorporated features (via modifying and recompiling
the source?) of the "beep" program to specify one of the virtual terminals
for the ioctl call (and set its permissions to support such non-owner
access if necessary), or to simply return to sending a Ctrl-G at whatever
terminal emulator you are using and pay attention to the beep from the
terminal machine instead of from the router... for example:

 # echo -e "\a"

There was apparently a "bootbeep.lrp" file floating around awhile ago that
included this in a late-firing init script.

If you don't want to rely on a terminal emulator to be connected, then you
may be able to redirect the Ctrl-G to one of the virtual terminals, like:

 # echo -e "\a" >/dev/tty1

(no permissions problem since you are probably running as root).

If you have eliminated the virtual terminals from your kernel, you might
be able to find one of the "beep" kernel modules and add it to create a
device you can poke at to get noise.

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