On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Geoff Nordli wrote:

> Hi Charles.
> I couldn't get it to work correctly.  I ended up having this in my
> /etc/init.d/modutils file:
> case "$module" in
>       \#*|"") continue ;;
>       LLADDR) ip link set $2 address $3 ;;
> esac 
> Then at the bottom of the /etc/modules file I put:
> ! LLADDR eth1 00:02:B3:61:1E:0E
> I also tried 
> LLADDR eth1 00:02:B3:61:1E:0E
> To make it work I created a script that configured the MAC address set it to
> start (S,S21) right after the networking get configured.  This seems to be
> working well, but I would much rather figure out why the modutils script
> doesn't work correctly.

It might work better if you swap the cases?

case "$module" in
        LLADDR) ip link set $2 address $3 ;;
        \#*|"") continue ;;

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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