Ya know I actually thought about that after I sent the message. I wondered how the kernel could talk to the serail at boot BEFORE the module is loaded. But, I am no kernel expert and needed the verification anyway.
Could you try to answer one more ipchains related question. How do you force the rule cache to clear when you make a change? I renmove a port forward rule and reenter it to forward to another machine. However it seeems to take several minutes for the rule to take effect. And, if any packets for that port arrive, they are forwared to the old forward target and the resets the cache counter. SO if packets keep coming in, the new rule never takes effect unless I reboot the router.
Can the rule cache be cleared on command?
AS a side note, thanks so much for developing Dach, and eiger. I started with Eiger several years ago on DSL and switched to dach when I went to cable. It runs on an old 100Hhz 486 all-in-one on a full sized ISA card plugged into a 5 slot passive backplane with 2 ISA ethernet cards.
Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
Jeff Pierce wrote:
I copied serial.o to /lib/modules and added it to the modules to start configuration. Then changed inittab and securetty file backed up and I can now log into dach via serial.
But now I hung up on boot messages. Here is what that part of my syslinux.cfg line looks like.
dnscache,weblet console=tty0 console=ttyS0,19200n8
You won't get boot messages from the kernel unless you use one of the kernels with serial compiled in. The kernel can't output to ttyS0 until the serial.o module gets loaded, well into the boot-up process.
Switch to the 'normal' Dachstein kernel if you really need boot-time messages from the kernel over the serial port.
-- Jeff, wd4nmq [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mywebpages.comcast.net/wd4nmq
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