Personally, I'd second this 'motion' for this to be posted to SF.

A large factor in my deciding to go with a 2-floppy setup (vs a HD) was my desire to reduce energy consumption on my box which runs 7/24. I even underclocked the CPU so as to be able to disconnect the PS-fan and keep it further quiet and less energy-consuming!

As we watch energy prices rise (not to mention the problem of global climate change caused by CO2 emissions from, in part, electrical generating stations) this HD-powerdown, though small in it's energy & CO2 savings, is nonetheless a step in the right direction.

scott; canada

Roger E McClurg wrote:

I created an hdparm.lrp package for Bering 1.2. It uses the 5.2 version of hdparm from RedHat 9.0. The package includes a script called spindown. Spindown will automatically put the HD into standby mode (hdparm -y) at the end of the boot process. I can send it to anyone interested, but if the developers think it is useful maybe one of them will agree to put it up on Sourceforge.


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