
I'm using a Dachstein firewall with FreeS/WAN 1.91. I would like to set up an IPsec VPN with either a Linksys BEFVP41 router, or a Windows 2000 computer behind it.

I have been unable to do either. The router won't negotiate a tunnel with the LEAF firewall, and I can't seem to make the IPsec passthrough work, either. The Windows 2000 computer does work if plug it into the Internet directly, but not from behind the router.

Any ideas on what I could try? Even a success story would be enough: it would be nice to know that it's possible.

Also, is there a newer version of FreeS/WAN for Dachstein? I have some routing issues that is making the migration to Bering difficult at the moment...

Thank you very much for any help you might be able to give me.

Tim Massey

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