On Friday 07 May 2004 11:14 am, Calvin Webster wrote:
> Has anyone seen the recent news about Extreme Network's "ExtremeWare
> XOS"? As reported in Network World, it is Linux based and runs on their
> line of BlackDiamond 10K Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet switches. I could find
> nothing on Extreme's web site about it, though.

I haven't heard about this, but a switch running at layer 3 is more likely a 
router of some type rather than a regular switch/hub/bridge that runs at
layer 2.

> NW quotes Extreme as saying "modifications were made in the Linux kernel
> to improve the packet forwarding capabilities of the software, as well
> as hardening its security...".


> They also say that "Extreme says that in accordance with the GPL, it
> will be pushing its changes to Linux back to the open-source community".

That is always a plus. :)

> I'm wondering what LEAF developers think about this?

Sounds like they're attempting to take on Cisco.

> The article also mentioned how pleased developers of the XORP project
> were. There was a previous article posted about that project too. Can
> someone tell me if/how XORP and LEAF are related? Do they share
> resources or benefit from one another's work?

To my knowledge XORP and LEAF are not related in any way outside of 
using the linux kernel.
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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