From: Martin Hejl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [leaf-user] openvpn help Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 19:41:12 +0200

chiew yock sang wrote:
/etc/shorewall/tunnels (routerA)
#type             zone        gateway        gateway zone
openvpn:7777  net
this is either a typo, or a problem - the error message you quoted later suggests openvpn runs on >port 5000 - but in /etc/shorewall/tunnels you define that it uses port 7777 - this is most likely not >going to work...
Yes, a typo, i have changed it to openvpn, but the problem still exist.

In routerA, when i try to ping, the following commands pop up:
Virtual device tun0 asks to queue packet!
ping: sendto: Network is down
Hm, I've never seen that error - but I must say, I'm not quite sure how commands actually "pop >up" - do you mean that the message you quoted appears on the console? Or in the logs (and if >so, which log)?

Sorry, not pop up, but it appear in the command window (the place where i type ping I don't know how to call it..

and when i do,
openvpn --ping 5 --dev tun0
it says all encryption and authentication features disabled-- all data will be tunnelled as cleartext
socket bind failed on local address [undef]:5000:Address already in use
Do a "ps aux" on the router in question to find out if openvpn is already running, most likely, this is >the source of your error. You can also use netstat to find out if something is indeed already >listening on port 5000. Openvpn should not really be started "by hand" (by entering "openvpn" at >the prompt) buit rather by the init-script). So, if you want to start openvpn, do a
svi openvpn start
the --ping 5 option can also be specified in the config file (and tun0 as dev is already specified in >your config file, so that would be redundant).

when i do ps aux, in the command line shows, /usr/sbin/openvpn --daemon --writepid /var/run/openvpn.... (the rest can't be seen).

when i do netstat, it shows,
netstat: no support for 'AF INET6 (tcp)' on this system
netstat: no support for 'AF INET6 (udp)' on this system
netstat: no support for 'AF INET6 (raw)' on this system

where is the init-script? Is it in /etc/shorewall/init?

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