Thx for suggestion; I will add it to the docs.


Am Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2004 16:59 schrieb freeman groups:
> Sorry to KP for originally sending my reply only to him ... pesky
> reply-to setting of this LEAF list :/    (yes, I know...)
> K.-P. Kirchdörfer wrote:
> >If you can edit leaf.cfg with a decent editor (not adding CR/LF) like
> > notepad,
> I was curious about this because my recollection was that notepad didn't
> handle <LF>-only files very well and I made these observations (I'm
> running XP Pro SP-1 and the notepad program that comes with). When I
> described below how I opened any file I had, in advance, removed all
> <CF> with the DOS2Unix proggie. A hex-viewing of the files confirmed
> that DOS2UNIX was doing what I expected...
> - notepad displays the <LF> as a box-like character and doesn't start
> each line on a new line like one would expect - one is presented with a
> continuous stream (line) of characters
> - in a file of 5 lines with each line having only 1 character (hey, I
> was just quickie testing) plus the <LF> I was presented with 5
> box-characters and no single-char-per-line characters that I had
> therein?!?! - in a file with multiple blank lines at the top I was also
> presented with a stream of box-chars but no single-char-per-line chars
> - if one has multiple lines in the notepad doc and one saves it, then
> one gets the <CR><LF> end-of-line action
> - at one time I had opened & saved a file with notepad (making no
> changes to the file) and notepad had prepended two chars to
> the file - 0xFE & 0xFF
> So if I may, I'd probably not suggest use of notepad to people as it
> doesn't play nicely with <LF>-only files. I am guessing that it looks at
> the first 1 or 2 chars of a file and makes some determination about the
> filetype, and doesn't recognize <LF>-only-delineated files very well.
> My suggestion is for people to edit any files to their heart's content
> with their editor of choice and when done, run the DOS2UNIX utility
> which strips the <CR> chars. It works under pure DOS as well as a DOS
> box under XP (and I would expect 9x, ME, 2K, NT as well). It can be d/l
> from:
> Thanks for LEAF!
> scott; canada
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