On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 07:57, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> At 01:21 AM 7/2/2004 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >First of all Ray, Thank you soooo much.  I appreciate your help.
> That's what we're here for. I'm trimming out most of your reply, to get to 
> the parts that identify your problem more quickly.
> I'm writing all of this from memory. I don't have a working Bering system 
> of any flavor at hand to check against, so there's a risk I'm giving you 
> advice that is incorrect in some details ... most likely some quirk 
> peculiar to Bering that makes it a bit different from stock Linux. Someone 
> running Bering should read this through to spot and correct any blatant 
> stupidities I commit.
> [...]
> >My ISP gave me through for the 5 static IP's
> >My Isp gave me a subnet mask of
> >My Isp gave me a default gateway address of
> >
> >So tell me if this looks right:
> >         address:
> >         netmask:
> >         broadcast:
> >         gateway:
> >The only thing I'm not sure about is the broadcast entry (the 255 
> >part).  I don't htink I ever had this particular info on my Linksys router.
> If you supply an address and a netmask, that should let a device compute 
> the broadcast address. I'm not sure why Linux configurations routinely ask 
> for it separately. In any case, the one you've set should work. A better 
> one, consistent with your /29 (.248) network, would be
> This isn't your immediate problem, however. Moving on ...
> [...]
> >         can the LEAF router ping the WinXP host?
> >         can the LEAF router ping the ISP's default gateway?
> >         can the LEAF router ping the DNS servers?
> >         can the LEAF router ping a known-good Internet address?
> >
> >all pinging results:::::
> >         ping: sendto: Network is unreachable
> Translated: the router does not have a route to the network that the 
> requested host is on. Why not? see next item.
> >Next time, please tell us what makes and models of NICs you are using. 
> >Some wook out of the box, while others require add-in modules .... we 
> >can't guess which kind you have, and as a beginner, you shouldn't be 
> >guessing on your own.
> >The nic that is connected to the cable modem is a [Realtek RTL8139 Family 
> >PCI Fast Ethernet NIC]
> >The nic that is connected to the switch (which goes to the laptop) is a 
> >[Realtek RTL8029(AS) based Ethernet Adaptor (Generic)]
> >Th info in the [...] is exactly what windows XP calls the cards when xp is 
> >running.
> And this is your problem. The Bering kernel internally supports only a few 
> of the most common NIC types used in routers, and I believe the two 
> RealTeks are NOT on the built-in list of supported ones. You'll need to add 
> modules.
> For the external NIC, there is an rtl8139.o kernel module you can add. 
> There is also an 8139too.o module. I forget which of these Bering-uClibc uses.
> For the internal NIC, I'm not certain ... there is not a module specific to 
> it. I **think** the ne2k-pci module supports this one, but I'm not sure. 
> Perhaps someone else can jump in here?

I have used maybe variants of rtl chips both onboard and pci.
and unless it's old i'v found that the 8139too.o module workes. so try
that first.

also keep in mind that the 8139too.o module depends on the crc32.0 and
mii.o module so copy over those too. and remember to uncomment them in
the modules config 

> So, get the modules appropriate to the kernel you are running (probably 
> 2.4.26, from what I see on the project's Downloads list), add them to your 
> LEAF floppy, and put their names in /etc/modules. The Installation Guide 
> provides the details (http://leaf.sourceforge.net/doc/guide/biaddrm.html). 
> The order of the modules in this file will dictate which NIC is assigned 
> eth0, which eth1 (first come, first served).
> >Check what interfaces have been created with the command
> >
> >
> >         ip link show
> >
> >It will also tell you if they have been initialized (that is, assigned IP 
> >addresses).
> >
> >ip link show results:::
> >
> >1: lo: <LOOPBACK> mtu 16436 qdisc noop
> >       link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
> >2: dummy0: <BROADCAST,NOARP> mtu 1500 qdisc noop
> >       link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> Since the interfaces were not created, they are not initialized, and the 
> routing table doesn't get routes assigned ... hence the ping error above.
> [...]
> >I have a new question.  Does it matter if I am logged into the firewall 
> >(LEAF Configuation Menu on the screen)
> >or not logged in (Firewall# prompt on the screen) for the firewall to 
> >operate properlly when I have all the settings correct?
> No.
> >Do I have to reboot after I make and backup system changes for them to be 
> >in effect?
> No.

what he means is that you never have to restart, but you changes wont
take effect until you restart the system affected

/etc/init.d/networking restart if you have modified networking. 
shorewall restart if you have modified shorewall roules. 

or you might reboot if you dont know what to restart to make it give
i tend to 
1.make system change 
2.test it by restarting the system affected, 
3.then backup if everything still works. :) 
this way i can just reboot if i have somehow made a mess of things.

good luck


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