> I could not get timydns to answer for two internal networks.  My 
> solution is:
> .private.network::localhost
> .1.168.192.in-addr.arpa::localhost
> =tworoute.private.network:
> =localhost.private.network:
> .dmz.network::localhost
> .2.168.192.in-addr.arpa::localhost
> =dmzbox.private.network:
> notice that the DMZ has a address in another network but it's 
> name is in the private.network. This works for me.

I made the changes similar to what you described above. Basically what I did
was to add to the private file as follows:

# mail exchanger

ns.dawnsign.com was already defined for the .dawnsign.com domain so there
wasn't any need to define it within the .dmz.dawnsign.com domain.

It seems to have worked. Am I correct in my assumption that when a name
resolution request comes in from any machine in the 192.168.2.x network, the
request will be checked against the entries defined for the
.dmz.dawnsign.com domain and not the .dawnsign.com domain?


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