
To summarize;

I ended up compiling a 2.4.24 kernel in order to get the disk recognized.
Basically, once I got all the patches applied, the correct options selected,
modified linuxrc to mount the disk on /var/log at boot, and all that, it
worked out fine.

So I put the router in service.

Next day I tried ssh'ing into it. It accepted the password, but then the
connection would just hang. This got me worried.

Day after that I decided to go over there and check the box out. The rack
was pretty hot (insufficient ventilation) and the box itself was definitely
too hot.

It would still route, but dhcpd wouldn't hand out ip addresses. Since
there's no screen/keyboard available on location, my only real option was to
power off/on to see if that would at least let me log in.

Long story short;

Brought it home, hooked it up with monitor.

With disk disconnected it boots fine.

With disk connected, the box never completes is POST :(

Lesson learned:

IDE disks aren't meant for 24/7, and need to be kept cool. (DOH!)

So the question now is;

Apart from ensuring that the disk is kept cool, what can I do to minimize
'operating stress'?

That is, is it a good idea to have the disk spin down, considering that
shorewall.log will be written to more or less constantly (causing the disk
to spin up/down a lot)

Hmmm... Maybe I should just go with CF/DOM or something else, solid state,
and set up a server to move the logs to $whenever, accepting the fact that
chips get worn out aftesr so-and-so-many rewrites...

I find it sort of ironic, having spent much time in order to put the logs on
disk (so they would survive powercuts etc), that those same logs are now
lost because the disk died... :P

Oh well... Just thought I'd let everyone know that I got it working... 'till
it died.


Just say "know!"

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