On Thursday 23 September 2004 11:23 pm, Geoff Nordli wrote:

> Just to add some more information.  I created an additional file in the
> same folder that somehow was successfully backed up, but I have no clue
> where it is kept.  I tried doing a tarball listing of the etc, root,
> dnscache, tinydns packages and it didn't show up.  So somehow it gets
> restored when the machine reboots.
> Is it possible that another package will overwrite the entire contents of a
> directory during startup?
> So are you saying that the etc package backup process parses all the *.list
> files in the /var/lib/lrpkg folder to see what files in the etc directory
> that it is supposed to backup.

The etc package is supposed to catch all the files that don't belong to
another package in /etc IIRC. The failure of the etc package to backup
this file indicates that it belongs to the dnscache package (which is 
correct). The way the backup system works is that package and backup
information is stored in flat text files in the /var/lib/lrpkg folder. The 
<packagename>.list file stores populated filenames for the <packagename>.
The <packagename>.include file stores the filenames to be included in
the backup process. The <packagename>.exclude stores the filenames
that should NOT be included in the backup process. 

To be clear about how this should be on your system, 'cd' to the 
/var/lib/lrpkg directory. The config filename should be listed in
dnscache.include file AND NOT included in the dnscache.exclude file.
UNLESS this configuration is actually intended to be stored somewhere
else that I don't remember and is likely included in the dns<cache> supplement
to the Bering Users Manual. 
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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