On Thursday 23 September 2004 04:47 am, James Neave wrote:
> You know, I was just thinking that while I was reading this.
> A configuration wizard for windows would be very handy. Something to
> automate initial configuration and even updating, puts the correct LRPs
> on, adds your network card modules to the disk.
> But simple to start with, a windows or platform independent application
> that automates the download, assembly and initial configuration (meaning
> the necessary steps from the installation docs) would greatly increase
> the accessibility of LEAF for the likes of, well, me.
> Not that is would be simple of course...

I don't think most people can even begin to understand the complexity
of what is being desired here. A lot of work has been done and far 
more discussed into making this a reality. The only cross-platform 
options for GUI is Java, TK/TCL, and maybe Perl which drives the
frontend that you see and doesn't actually *do* any work. The backend
that does what you don't see must be able to be run on the LEAF box
limiting things to either Ash shell script or compiled C. Futher there isn't
a good way to work this w/o changing the packaging format to include
integration. BTW, there is over 200 available packages available for the
various branches. Upgrades to the packages (different conf files, variables
and the like) need to be approached and either the system must be
network savy (which LEAF generally isn't) to transfer information OR 
you must create a new floppy everytime. 

In short, you need a person or group that programs entirely different
languages on different systems and set a defination of the process to
take that integrates. Then you will likely have to completely rework
every package that could be added to the system to conform. Multiply
this by the various branches and their idiosyncrises to each other and
the support that the developers of the system will have to deal with
and things just really aren't freaking simple at all. To be flat honest,
I'd done a lot more work on this if attempting to feed my family and
keep a house over their head hasn't been near impossible the last
two years in this economy. 

If you just want something extremely that works like this, my suggestion
is to use FreeSCO or BBImage. If you want or need more than they
offer, please feel free to contribute to the system we have been working
on or write one that meets your needs. I'll be honest the entirety of LEAF
is NOT simple by any means of the imagination as it is now. It has taken
Cisco years to provide a similar sytem with all of their resources to do the'
same thing that is generally misconfigured after being available to the

Paul, you've been telling me how simple this should be for years, PLEASE,
PLEASE to a stab at doing it if it is so simple. I also expect you to realease
it to the general public and support it through all the ways it can be borked
by the end users. Only then can you convey to me how "simple" this process
really is.
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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