If your ISP imposes a upload/download limit then my first advice is for
you to change ISP as soon as possible, because files are only getting
larger and the ability to move several hundred megabytes around is no
longer a priviledge... I thought that only flagrant mind-staplers like
BT and AOL were still doing that insulting ol' "exceed your monthly
download limit or pay" trick!

... Sorry, I couldn't get off that rant in time...

As I was trying to advise you: if there is no other way then consider
using a peer-to-peer filesharing system like Gnutella - 

You download and install Gnutella on a host inside your LAN. 
(your friend/s must do the same).

Next, make the files available to the Gnutella network and let your
friend know the names of the files you are sharing so they can launch
Gnutella and type the file names in Gnutella search bar...

Easy. That would avoid a mailbox limit - but I'm not sure about your
upload/download limit tho'.

Oh, and while you've got Gnutella open... a bird told me you might be to
help EMI and Sony lighten that heavy burden they charge for CD's


On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 10:20 -0800, Arnold Wiegert wrote:
> Since I am using LEAF (dachstein) and am not aware of any more specific 
> user group, I'm posting my problem to this group. Besides, any solution 
> will have to be accommodated by my firewall.
> Googling for 'file transfer' drowns me in a flood of music related info, 
> not at all related to my problem.
> If you know of another group which might be more appropriate or better 
> able to help, please let me know.
> My problem is that I want to exchange some rather large files (mostly 
> documents and pictures) once in a while with one or two other users on 
> the internet.
> My ISP does not allow any (permanent) servers at my end; besides, my IP 
> address is dynamic.
> I have considered some of the free mail services (gmail being the main 
> one) but am a bit concerned that this solution may be only a short term 
> solution, since I would expect that the conditions - mainly the price - 
> might change at any time.
> As well, I'm not entirely clear on how or whether or not this service 
> would allow me to avoid the mail box limit, both inbound and outbound, 
> imposed by my ISP.
> Any information about the available options would be most welcome.
> TIA,
> Arnold
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