I hope that this note is not too long and confussing, but, when you don't 
really "know" what you
are doing, it's hard to know what is really important.
Here is my story.  I have been using leaf (and before it LRP) for some time 
now.  I switched up to
Bering 1.0 (glibc - not uClibc) 2-3 years ago.  After much tweaking, I have it 
just the way I want
it, and, because I don't remember all my changes, I have not moved to the 
uClibc version (I don't
want to spend a bunch of time recreating things).
Anyway, I had been using the snort18.lrp package with my leaf box, and started 
wanting more.  So, I 
got an old pentium pro computer that was going in the garbage, and decided I 
would try to make my
own lrp module - snort 2.3.0 with oinkmaster. I got a working Debian 2.1 
(slink) system setup (with 
the required glibc 2.0.7) and running. I then compiled snort, and perl 5.8.6 on 
this system.  Moved 
all the required parts and tar'ed a package.  Moved this to the leaf box, 
reboot, and everything
works, EXCEPT, snort seems to start, but silently dies within minutes.  Also, 
if I run a port scan
against the leaf box in the few seconds after snort starts, nothing gets 
logged, and snort dies silently.
Some more details.
Now, the compiled snort works without problems on the Debian 2.1 system, 
logging alerts to
/var/log/snort/alert.  Oinkmaster works on the Debian system as well.
On the leaf system, all file permsions have been set exactly the same as the 
Debian system.  Snort
is started with the exact same swithces on the leaf and Debian systems.  When I 
start snort on the
Leaf system, I get all the "usual" messages in deamon.log indicating that snort 
is starting, and it 
ends with "snort started successfully" (or something like that).  If I run 
snort I get the correct
version info, and if I test it (-T), that seems to work fine as well.  Also, I 
think, I saw it
working in non-deamon mode.  However, after it starts in deamon mode, after a 
minute or so, it is
dead (the process is gone from 'ps'), and I can find no information in the logs 
about why it dies,
and the /var/log/snort/alert file remains empty (size = 0).
Everything else works on the leaf box.  Oinkmaster (a perl script) is able to 
download rules
without a problem.  My init script brings snort up at boot, etc.
I am at a total loss.  I will be happy to send any other info (files, output, 
whatever) if anyone
has any ideas.
BTW, my leaf system is based on Bering 1.0, but runs with a 2.4.27 kernel.  The 
leaf system runs on 
an old pentium, with plenty of memory (> 100 MB, I think), and 2 floppy disks.
Finally, (and I don't know if this means anyting), when I was using the 
snort18.lrp package (which
I got off the sourceforge leaf site some years ago) it seemed to run for hours 
or days, but also
had an issue where it would die silently. However, it did log info, and I brute 
force fixed the
problem by using cron to watch for it to die, and then restart it  (not the 
cleanest fix, but it worked).
Thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas.

bye - ted

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