Ongoing conversion of several Dachstein-CD installations have resulted
in several challenges.  Please, ask if I have left out pertinent

What am I missing?  How can we setup the following scenarios with

Shorewall zones:
    dmz (proxyarp)

Sixty-four (64) public IP's

Typical DMZ hosts OK

We cannot figure out how to do the following, which we have been doing
quite simply with Dachstein-CD:

[1] Internet -> public_IP:80 -> private_IP:80

    In other words, a web server in loc appears to the Internet that
    it resides in dmz.

    We have not been able to accomplish this when there is no host at
    that address on dmz.  Should that address NOT be configured

    Also, is this scenario possible if there IS a host at that address
    on dmz?  In other words, if we have a SMTP host at that address on
    dmz, can we have a web server at that address, that actually
    resides in loc?

[2] Internet -> public_IP:55555 -> private_IP:555

    Notice the port forwarding of one port to a different port.

    There may or may NOT be an actual DMZ host on the public IP.  It
    could be a dmz address forwarded to a loc address.

What do you think?

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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