
That did it! The errors are gone. Now I've just got some configuration
warnings to deal with:

ipsec_setup: Starting Openswan IPsec 1.0.9...
ipsec_setup: WARNING: eth0 has route filtering turned on, KLIPS may not
ipsec_setup:  (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter = `1', should be

"eth0" is the public Internet face of this router. I'm not sure yet if
route filtering should be turned on for this interface. I'm resetting it
to 0 for now.

Some posts I've read in other forums seem to imply that this may
actually be a problem in reconstructing headers
Subj: set-mark, OUTPUT routing, martian addresses, rp_filter From:
idallen at

Thanks for the help!


On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 15:51, Eric Spakman wrote:
> Hello Cal,
> You need the ipsec module from the kernel tarball, it can be found in 
> download area (where also the images are placed).
> Eric
> >Eric,
> >
> >This is really strange... I must have changed something else without
> >realizing it. Now I'm getting this, regardless of whether I'm using the
> >original or updated initrd.lrp:
> >
> >--------------------------------------------------------
> >ipsec_setup: Starting Openswan IPsec 1.0.9...
> >insmod: ipsec.o: no module by that name found
> >ipsec_setup: kernel appears to lack KLIPS
> >ipsec_setup: OOPS, should have aborted! Broken shell!
> >--------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >Where is ipsec.o? I haven't been able to locate it in modules.lrp or
> >ipsec.lrp.
> >
> >The errors changed after I had started my qemu VM with redirection. I
> >tried swapping back the original initrd.lrp to no avail. Now, it comes
> >up like this with or without redirected ports, with the old initrd.lrp
> >or new.
> >
> >It looks like the libm.lrp is loading. Here's the output of "lrpkg -l":
> >------------------------------------------------------
> >Name            Version        Description
> >===============-==============-==============================================
> >
> >
> [Message truncated. Tap Edit->Mark for Download to get remaining portion.]

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