M Lu wrote:
As we are encouraged to talk about anything, I just want to ask questions regarding running LEAF on an embedded PC. I would like to move my LEAF on an old PC to a smaller device, such as WRAP box. The good news is that there is some documentation about how to set it up, so I hope I can somehow manage it.

But regarding hardware I cannot imagine it well. Because I have to order on-line, I would like to know what pieces I need to order. I would like to have 3 LAN and one wireless if possible. In case of wireless, do I have to buy the card from them or can I use other cards I can buy locally (in BestBuy, CompUSA etc)? How do I have screen/keyboard with that etc? Could anybody explain me a little bit to me, a hardware-dumb person?

Thank you.
First off, I don't actually _own_ a WRAP board (I own several soekris boards, and I most likely will order a few WRAP boards some time soon, but so far, all that I've actually used are soekris boards), so take all of what I say with the proverbial "grain of salt". But I think I can shed at least a little light on your questions - and hopefully somebody else will be able to provide a more complete answer.

There's no need to worry about screen/keyboards - those kinds of things run off a serial console - so simply plug in any PC or Laptop using a crossover serial cable, and you can control it using a serial terminal (minicom if you're using Linux, or one of the various tools on Windows - I recommend teraterm, since it's free and works, which can't be said of Hyperterminal, at least in my experience). The biggest hurdle here is finding the proper terminal settings (default should be 9600 8N1 - but as I said, I haven't used a WRAP box yet). It _should_ be mentioned in the manual though.

Regarding the wireless stuff - as far as I know, all WRAP boards come with mini-pci slots (I don't recall any with PC-Card slots) - so buying equipment at Best Buy might be a challenge (but who knows - it's been a while since I shopped there, so they might even have mini-pci equipment these days). If you don't mind ordering online, you can find mini-pci gear at various places - like http://www.netgate.com/ http://www.demarctech.com/ or http://metrix.net/metrix/ (and tons of other places too - those are just as an example, off the top of my head). Getting mini-pci stuff at larger chains can often be difficult, mainly because they usually don't sell the antenna+pigtail needed (at least here in Germany). I've used the cards from netgate with great success on various soekris boxes (and netgate now even sells WRAP boxes...), but that obviously doesn't mean that other sources don't work just as well.

One last bit of advice - when using embedded boards like the WRAP (or the soekris boards), make sure you get a suitable power supply (preferrably the one the maker of the board suggests, not something you happen to have lying around in your electronics junk box). Most of the problems I've seen on the various mailing lists are due to marginal power supplies (marginal in the sense that they provide enough power for average usage, but fail and cause the box to crash/lock up if for some reason power consumption jumps up).

To get going (the easy way), the only thing else you need is a CF card reader (if you don't want to boot with PXE - I don't know if the WRAP boards support that), so you can transfer the base image to the compact flash card (it's also convenient to get your box back up and running if you've mis-configured it in a way that it will no longer boot - it's happened to me a few times, and being able to pop in the CF into my desktop and fix things saved a lot of time).

I hope that helps


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