Dear List,

I am currently using LEAF-Bering uClibc 2.3 on a WRAP platform with 3 NICs. One NIC is for ADSL-PPPOE, the second for internal networks and the third for a WLAN access point. To protect the WLAN, I use OpenVPN to connect clients with Windows XP. Because of problems with MS share browsing (it doesn't behave at all well with a mixture of domain and non-domain members as clients, some client can get a browse list over a router and others cannot. Samba with WINS support is used as the domain controller), I wanted to change the OpenVPN from a tunnelled connection to a bridged one (so I can browse for shares over the WLAN). I seem to be stuck where I need to set up the bridging device br0 on the LEAF box, but can't find how (I'm not a Linux expert). I have read all the howto's forOpenVPN and LEAF in bridge mode but am still missing a part of the picture somehow. I want to use LEAF as a firewall, of course, but the howto for bridging says that this is not possible. Maybe I am misunderstanding it?
My LEAF box is set up:

etho -> PPPOE -> Internet
eth1 -> -> Router -> -> Clients / Servers
eth2 -> -> WLAN AP (Bridges) -> XP Laptops

So I want to set up bridging for the WLAN link such that the OpenVPN packets that are decrypted by the LEAF box send them out of eth1 with appropriate addresses (delivered to the OpenVPN clients by the OpenVPN package on the LEAF box itself). The client side seems to work OK and I can get a connection to the LEAF box, with the client receiving new IP and routing information over the OpenVPN link. But the connection is imcomplete and the clients sit sending ARP requests for the network that do not get answered.
Is there a way of achieving this, or do I want the impossible ?

Many thanks,


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