
To run ASSP (which is a Perl based SMTP proxy that includes a bayesian 
filter) you need to have three ports available: one for proxying 
outgoing email, one for proxying incoming email and one for the actual 
mailserver. Depending on email client and email server software you may 
be forced to use separate machines for the ASSP proxy and the mailserver 
(in theory you could fondle around with iptables, but this can get 
really messy).

In my current setup I have ASSP and postfix running on the same box with 
postfix configured to use an alternate port:
  - postfix running at port 2525
  - ASSP listening for outgoing email on port 25
     (this is to maintain a whitelist and for client compatibility)
  - ASSP listening for incoming email on port 125
     (LEAF box NATs port 25 on the outside to mailserver:125)

I suppose it shouldn't be a problem to run ASSP on a LEAF box but you 
may loose the option to use some additional features. You would also 
need to add some permanent RW storage to the LEAF box if you don't want 
to have the bayesian filter forget what it has learned. My LEAF box is 
strictly read-only, so I never considered moving ASSP onto it. I might 
have if I'd needed a second box though ;)


Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello Gordon,
> How do you configure this, if currently the mein mailserver is
> behind the LEAF-Router
>  ISP          LEAF         @home mailserver
> NERIM ---->  Router  ---->   courier-mta
>                ^
>                |
>       Here a SMTP-Proxy which catch
>       all connections on Port 25
>       and kill them if neccesary
> I was thinking to get something like an SMTP-Proxy which works
> transparent (<proxad.net> is using such pig and catch all TCP-
> Connection over port 25, - this is WHY I am sending ober 587.
> see headers of my E-Mail)
> Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
>     Michelle Konzack
>     Systemadministrator
>     Tamay Dogan Network
>     Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
> Am 2008-01-09 16:16:59, schrieb Gordon Bos:
>> You might want to look at another project: ASSP
>> http://assp.sourceforge.net/
>> This is a spam filter that blocks at the SMTP level, essentially 
>> catching the spammer in the act. Since it immediately drops the 
>> connection it also prevents the spammer from sending several emails at 
>> once. It even includes a tarpit function in case the spammer tries to 
>> reconnect and send additional spam. How cool is that?
>> Gordon
>> Michelle Konzack wrote:
> ------------------------- END OF REPLIED MESSAGE -------------------------

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