Look, there are obviously different perspectives on this.  And that's
to say that LEAF meets different needs!

> How much of an issue is having write protection? I can understand that
> it is better in theory but I can't think of a commercial firewall
> product (Cisco PIX, Linksys, DLink etc) that does not use flash and
> that has any sort of write protection.

Why do you think we prefer LEAF to commercial boxes?  Besides the
obvious fact that one is FREE and the other not only costs money, but
represents a "monoculture" that "protects" attractive targets, that is.
Break one, get into all.

> If having boot from R/O media is an issue you could boot from CD and
> save to a floppy. You could also write protect CF media with a
> hardware hack to the cable.

OH, now there's an attractive installation!

> So from my perspective this would seem to be a non issue for most
> users and that for those few where it is an issue there are ways
> around it with some extra work.

As long as they have YOUR perspective, eh?

For the record, I'm still using Bering-1.2, IIRC.  It ain't broke, I've
seen no reason to FIX it.  I certainly WOULD be running from a WP
floppy, except the BIOS of the Compaq pizza-box it's on won't boot from
an extended format floppy, so I had to get cute & tricky!  For me, the
ultimate criterion for a firewall is SURETY.  I've seen nothing yet that
beats a floppy installation, given that spending money unnecessarily is
an issue for a retired person living on a low fixed income.
Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)


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