 > I'll look at upgrading, but will wait for 5. Do you know if % will be
 > able to run on a WRAP platform?

 > I have not tried yet myself. It might need some stripping on the
 > modules, but I am pretty confident.

 > cheers

 > Erich

OK, sounds good, I will wait for 5.x.
I'm still getting no list mail from sourceforge, so am cutting & pasting 
here (might break the thread - sorry).

FWIW here is my script, adjusted for LEAF, it might be useful for anyone 
who can no longer use dyndns:

The 3 files need to be added to the 'local' list for backup, of course

Log File:    /etc/freedns/ppp.log
Cache File:  /etc/freedns/ppp.cache
Main Script: /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/freedns-update



# Compare dynamic dns cache with external ip address

# Get external address
PPPADDR=`ip addr sh dev ppp0 | grep inet | sed -e "s/inet//; 
s/peer.*$//; s/^ */

# Get dynamic dns address from cache
if test -f /etc/freedns/ppp.cache ;then
         DYNADDR=`cat /etc/freedns/ppp.cache`
# Need this to stop "!= expects argument" if cache empty (fresh boot)

if [ $PPPADDR != $DYNADDR ] ; then 

# An update is required
        wget http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
Freedns hashed key
# If a log is wanted
         echo `date`  "Updated freedns with IP: " $PPPADDR >> 
         rm -f /etc/freedns/ppp.cache
         echo $PPPADDR > /etc/freedns/ppp.cache

# I used this to test, it sends a mail each update
         MAILHDR="Brandmauer - FreeDNS Update"
         echo -e 'Updated freedns with IP: '$PPPADDR | mail -s 
"$MAILHDR" -h <mail address>

Hope the mail doesn't mangle it too much :=)


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