kp wrote:

>Most probably it's the ehci-pci module (ehci-pci.ko.gz) which is missing.

This worked with Bering-uClibc_5.1.1-rc1! Thanks! My Soekris net6501 now
runs Bering-uClibc_5.1.1-rc1 like a champ!

While I am perfectly happy to manually add ehci-pci.ko.gz initmod.lrp as
needed in the future, would I be correct that ehci-pci.ko.gz will be added
to initmod.lrp in future releases? (I would think so.)

Thanks again.

Final note. I had a problem when I upgraded from 5.0.4 to 5.0.5 that I
hadn't mentioned before. This problem is also cleaned up with 5.1rc1. I
honestly don't know if this problem had to do with Leaf or (just as likely)
some configuration change I made. But I'll briefly describe it here:

After upgrading to 5.0.5, I noticed that some websites were glacially slow
(I was using the 6501 box as my firewall/router). Finally I ran, only to find that while the download speed was very fast,
the benchmark could not even run the upload test, and was stuck on
"connecting". The site's documentation said this might be a firewall issue.
 This is very strange because other than the slowness, I had been using
5.0.5 for a week or so and everything else worked. When I downgraded to
Leaf to 5.0.4 the problem went away. And, as I said, when I upgraded from
5.0.4 to 5.1.1 rc1 just now, the problem also went away. I confess to
having limited scientific curiosity about this since the symptoms are gone,
just mentioning for completeness.

Thanks to all who participated in this thread. Great support!

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