I run several LEAF WRAP and ALIX firewalls, but compact flashes often do 
not boot after they have been prepared with syslinux.

I recently took some CF that failed to boot and found a way to make them 
work. I used a 686 isolinux version of LEAF to  boot on an old laptop 
and plugged the CF's into a usb to CF adapter.

In my case the boot media was /dev/sr0 and the CFs were at /dev/sdb1

#mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt
#apkg -i /mnt/hdsupp

    this should also load mtools.lrp

#apkg -i /mnt/libiconv

#umount /mnt

#fdisk -c /dev/sdb

p to view the partitions

d to delete all the partitions on the CF

n to add a new primary partition 1

a to make it bootable

t to change the partition type

c to make it fat 32

I chose the default first block (2048)
I found that if I chose the last block that fdisk suggested, it would 
not boot with syslinux. So I did not accept the last block. For example, 
a 512 MB CF, I entered +500M for the last block; or a 128MB CF I typed 
in +100M so that the partition was slightly smaller than the block size 
suggested by fdisk and this made the CF bootable.

w to write the partition to the CF.

#mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb

#syslinux /dev/sdb

#mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt

#ls -al /mnt
and you should see the syslinux boot file on the CF.

the key to this procedure was to not make the partition fill the whole 
CF. I imagine that CF's lie about their structure. They are not like a 
hard drive.

I used 7-zip to copy the LEAF system to the compact flash from a windows 
box, and it booted just fine using the append line in the latest LEAF 
versions, e.g. usb_wait=3 etc.


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