Hello List,

this is not a request for help but rather expressing a need to say thank 
you to all involved in this project.

I started with old Bering Lince in 2004 on a floppy, then moved it to 
8MB flash for firewalling on Soekris net4801 with dansguardian/squid 
content filtering, switched to uClibc 2.3 experimenting with samba 
serving on Soekris and a webserver on PCengines WRAP, moved to uClibc 
3.0 in a 64MB DoM on a mini-ITX for a NAS and OpenVPN server. Until 
today, my last version of Bering uClibc was 3.1 in 2008 with an asterisk 
on net4801 and a yate on WRAP. Everything always worked as expected, 
never failed so I never had a real need to upgrade.

This week I reflashed from scratch one of my WRAPs to 5.1.3, looked at 
the packages and was surprised about how many improvements and new 
things were there. The only issue I had was that 
uClibc_5.1.3_geode_syslinux_serial115200.tar.gz code would not run on 
WRAP's Geode SC1100 CPU. So I used 
uClibc_5.1.3_i486_syslinux_serial19200.tar.gz instead. I guess "geode" 
code is for newer ALIX or APU.

I noticed that booting 5.1.3 on an old WRAP with 128 MB RAM takes a 
considerably longer time than 3.1, and so does establishing a ssh 
connection. However, once up and running, OpenVPN tunnels show no 
notable performance differences. Is it the size of the code, too weak 
WRAP platform or something else?

Thank you, Developers, for giving us such wonderful toys to play with.


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