Hi pgm

Am 01.06.2016 um 23:28 schrieb pgm:
I just installed the new alpha version and used my configdb.lrp from a
working 5.1.4 installation.
On first boot Shorewall would not start with an iptables-restore error.
On second boot everything worked perfectly. I then made the mistake of
running upgrade. Since it's still set to upgrade from 5.2.5 apparently, it
destroyed several important files, including the kernel.

Yes, you basically downgraded.

I then reinstalled from scratch and used the same configdb.lrp from a
working 5.1.4 installation.
On every boot since, Shorewall has a problem with traffic control, probably
missing modules although it worked perfectly previously. I've had to remove
traffic control to get Shorewall to start.

Does it barf at the modules?



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