On 11/5/2016 1:13 PM, Jean-Roch Blais wrote:
> Hello VIctor, and list,
> some examples might help me … thank’s
> jrb
I use a LEAF 6.0.0 GEODE on a PC Engines ALIX.

The LEAF handles NTP using bbntpd. However, I allow it to sync with only 
one trusted external time server. /etc/default/ntpd


NTPDOPTS='-l -p name of trusted timeserver'

IoT devices get their time from the LEAF bbntpd

in /etc/shorewall/rules

NTP(ACCEPT) fw  net:w.x.y.z

w.x.y.z is the ip or dname of the trusted time server.

NTP(ACCEPT) loc fw

#Block access to net from IoT devices
DROP loc:a.b.c.d,e.f.g.h   net

a.b.c.d is the static ip of the IoT devices I do not want to access the web.

One of the devices that has no access to the Internet is a wireless 
router configured as an AP. It has a fixed IP address and is NOT 
configured to do DHCP. Wireless clients pass through to access dnsmasq 
on the LEAF box via its ethernet connection. dnsmaq assigns static 
addresses to each wireless client


dhcp-host=11:22:33:44:55:66,device dhcp name,192.168.1.x #comment


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