In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: Zefram scripsit:
: > (Having been born some 601.266 Ms after TAI's birth, I'll be celebrating
: > my personal gigasecond in two weeks time.  If anyone's keeping track,
: > you can put me down as an early eschewer of solar time, for those things
: > where I have the choice.)
: If you enjoy high-end science fiction, check out Joan Vinge's _Heaven
: Chronicles_, which is set in an asteroid belt.  All times are in kilosecs,
: megasecs, and gigasecs.

Cool...  A gigasecond is around 31 years, a megasecond is ~11 days and
a kilosecond is about 17 minutes.  How would you keep such divergent
times strait?  Let's meet for dinner in about 200 kiloseconds?

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