On 2008-11-13, at 15:07, Rob Seaman wrote:

Hmmm. Forget about the details of the two main positions historically prevalent on this list. Call them position "A" and position "B", rather than "leap seconds must die!" and "friend of mean solar time", respectively.

I read this list quite differently. The core of the ITU/UTC-issue seems to be whether it is appropriate/ethical/allowed to change the definition of a widely used existing time scale in mid-flight rather than construct new or use existing time scales according to whatever requirements you may have (and others may not have).

As I see it, the two main positions on this particular issue are X: "definitions may change" and Y: "are you silly?", but this is somewhat obscured by discussions about the merits of leap seconds (only natural for this list).

I don't need to care deeply about leap seconds to vehemenently oppose X.


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